Meet Nora Armstrong from Scandals and Mercies by Kathleen Rouser

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Tell us something about where you live: 

I live in a little town called Stone Creek in southeast Michigan, where there are several lovely lakes and a mill pond. I like to walk by the pond and think sometimes. One time I ran into James Cooper there, but I don’t want to talk about that now.

Is there anything special about your name? Why do you think you were given that name?

It makes me laugh. Would you believe it means “shining light?” I’m nothing of the sort. I’m just plain, simple Nora Armstrong. Though my mama did once tell me that she named me that because I had such light blonde hair when I was born, and I still do.

Do you have any dreams for the future?

More than anything I want to be a teacher, but my Aunt Gert and Uncle Edmund wanted me to go to finishing school, hoping I would attract a rich husband. I love teaching Sunday school. The children are so sweet. Mrs. Myles let me help at the orphanage when I needed a place to go. My friend, Sophie McCormick, suggested I teach music instruction there with her. At least then I will be able to be a teacher in a way though I haven’t gone to normal school.

Everybody wonders why you’re avoiding the newspaperman, James Cooper. Do you care to tell us why? 

He isn’t the most trustworthy person. I mean Sophie forgave him for betraying her. She’s so kind. But I’m not ready to do that yet. That’s all I’m saying for now. There’s something about him. I keep thinking about him and well, it’s annoying. 

But I’ve also heard you liked him at one time?

Oh, bother, you shouldn’t listen to idle gossip. At one time I thought we cared about each other, but that’s just water under the bridge now. Besides, Aunt Gert doesn’t want me to have anything to do with James…or his Aunt Phoebe. After all, she used to be a vaudeville entertainer, and Aunt Gert thinks both that and journalism are rather scandalous professions.

Who are the special people in your life?  

I miss my mother and father, and brother and sisters. We were once so close, but then Aunt Gert offered to pay for my education, give me a nice home, and fancy clothing. You see, they don’t have any children of their own, and they need my help. Plus, on the farm I was just an extra mouth to feed.

But Stone Creek has so many dear people in it. Sophie and Reverend McCormick, the reverend’s sister, Maggie, and her blended family. And Mrs. Myles is ever so kind to me. I feel less alone when I’m with those dear people. Don’t tell anyone, but my sister, Lynnie, is at Hope’s Place, the home for unwed mothers right now. At least I get to see her occasionally, but Aunt Gert can’t ever know about it! 

Is there anything else you want to share with us?

I thought I knew all the answers about being a believer in Christ, but I realize I still have so much to learn about trusting God in the difficult situations of life. 

Thank you for visiting with us at Novel PASTimes today, Nora.

Thank you for having me. 

Kathleen Rouser is a multi-published, award-winning author of historical and contemporary Christian romanceShe is a longtime member of American Christian Fiction Writers and a member of Faith, Hope and Love Christian Writers. She resides in southeast Michigan, a location which she often uses in her novels, with her hero and husband of forty-some years and two sweet cats who found a home in their empty nest.  

Find her at her website: where you can sign up for her newsletter and receive a free book!

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